Melanie Thomas, MD, MS

Assistant Professor
+1 628 206-8391
KL2 Career Development Award, UCSF, 2015

Perinatal Community Health Workers: Lessons From California

Health Affairs Forefront

Malini A. Nijagal, Elaine C. Khoong, Elizabeth B. Sherwin, Erinn Lance, Erin Saleeby, Amanda P. Williams, Melanie R. Thomas

Facilitating Integrated Perinatal Care for Families Affected by Substance Use.

Journal of addiction medicine

Schmidt CN, Patel D, Alpers BS, Spaulding M, Ocegueda L, Thomas M, Sammann A, Briscoe H

Building Skills and Creating Change in the Healthcare System Through Public Psychiatry Fellowship Capstone Projects.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Elser A, Thomas M, Tolou-Shams M, Peterson A, Seal J, Dilley J, Mangurian C

Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Distress, Weight Gain, and Glucose Control for Pregnant Low-Income Women: A Quasi-Experimental Trial Using the ORBIT Model.

International journal of behavioral medicine

Epel E, Laraia B, Coleman-Phox K, Leung C, Vieten C, Mellin L, Kristeller JL, Thomas M, Stotland N, Bush N, Lustig RH, Dallman M, Hecht FM, Adler N

Embedded Maternal Mental Health Care in a Pediatric Primary Care Clinic: A Qualitative Exploration of Mothers' Experiences.

Academic pediatrics

Young CA, Burnett H, Ballinger A, Castro G, Steinberg S, Nau M, Bakken EH, Thomas M, Beck AL

Recovery-Oriented Outcomes Associated with Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in an Urban Safety-Net Population.

Community mental health journal

Yoshimatsu K, Elser A, Thomas M, Dilley J, Barnes D, Ballinger A, Wozniak S, Mangurian C

Novel Interventions to Reduce Stress and Overeating in Overweight Pregnant Women: A Feasibility Study.

Maternal and child health journal

Laraia BA, Adler NE, Coleman-Phox K, Vieten C, Mellin L, Kristeller JL, Thomas M, Stotland NE, Lustig RH, Dallman MF, Hecht FM, Bush NR, de Groat CL, Epel E

Effects of pre- and postnatal maternal stress on infant temperament and autonomic nervous system reactivity and regulation in a diverse, low-income population-CORRIGENDUM.

Development and psychopathology

Bush NR, Jones-Mason K, Coccia M, Caron Z, Alkon A, Thomas M, Coleman-Phox K, Wadhwa PD, Laraia BA, Adler NE, Epel ES

Effects of pre- and postnatal maternal stress on infant temperament and autonomic nervous system reactivity and regulation in a diverse, low-income population.

Development and psychopathology

Bush NR, Jones-Mason K, Coccia M, Caron Z, Alkon A, Thomas M, Coleman-Phox K, Wadhwa PD, Laraia BA, Adler NE, Epel ES

Mammography Among Women With Severe Mental Illness: Exploring Disparities Through a Large Retrospective Cohort Study.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Thomas M, James M, Vittinghoff E, Creasman JM, Schillinger D, Mangurian C

Rates of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women With Severe Mental Illness in the Public Health System.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

James M, Thomas M, Frolov L, Riano NS, Vittinghoff E, Schillinger D, Newcomer JW, Mangurian C

Depressive symptoms and gestational length among pregnant adolescents: Cluster randomized control trial of CenteringPregnancy® plus group prenatal care.

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

Felder JN, Epel E, Lewis JB, Cunningham SD, Tobin JN, Rising SS, Thomas M, Ickovics JR

Meeting Women Where They Are: Integration of Care As the Foundation of Treatment for At-Risk Pregnant and Postpartum Women.

Maternal and child health journal

Thomas M, Hutchison M, Castro G, Nau M, Shumway M, Stotland N, Spielvogel A

Poor Sleep Quality, Psychological Distress, and the Buffering Effect of Mindfulness Training During Pregnancy.

Behavioral sleep medicine

Felder JN, Laraia B, Coleman-Phox K, Bush N, Suresh M, Thomas M, Adler N, Epel E, Prather AA

Potential for a stress reduction intervention to promote healthy gestational weight gain: focus groups with low-income pregnant women.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Thomas M, Vieten C, Adler N, Ammondson I, Coleman-Phox K, Epel E, Laraia B

Maternal differences and birth outcome disparities: Diversity within a high risk prenatal clinic.

Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities

Thomas M, Spielvogel A, Cohen F, Fisher-Owens S, Stotland N, Wolfe B, Shumway M

Family adversity and autonomic reactivity association with immune changes in HIV-affected school children.

Psychosomatic medicine

Thomas MR, Wara D, Saxton K, Truskier M, Chesney MA, Boyce WT