James Dilley, MD

Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, UCSF
Executive Director, UCSF Alliance Health Project
Co-Director, UCSF Public Psychiatry Fellowship
+1 415 476-6442

Differential gene expression in response to AWARENESS: A randomized controlled trial of an intersectional minority stress intervention.

Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association

Flentje A, Sunder G, Carrico AW, Asam K, Neilands TB, Lisha NE, Dilley J, Flowers E, Kober K, Aouizerat B

Schizophrenia and retention in HIV care among adults insured through Medicaid in the United States: a population-based retrospective cohort study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Bazazi AR, Thomas M, Vittinghoff E, Walkup J, Hermida R, Arnold EA, Cournos F, Crystal S, Dawson L, Dahiya P, Alonso-Fraire P, Dilley J, Olfson M, Mangurian C

Venous thromboembolism during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for ovarian cancer.

International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society

Oxley S, Ahmed S, Baxter K, Blake D, Braden V, Brincat MR, Bryan S, Dilley J, Dobbs S, Durden A, Gomes N, Johnston B, Kaushik S, Kokka F, Lockley M, Lowe-Zinola J, Manchanda R, McCormick A, Nott C, Owens GL, Pandya A, Prince J, Ryan N, Ryan N, Sideris M, Tanna S, Waters J, Zamesa N, Thomas M, Olaitan A

Factors associated with suicidal ideation among people with HIV engaged in care.

Journal of affective disorders

Satre DD, Sarovar V, Levine T, Leibowitz AS, Lea AN, Ridout K, Hare CB, Luu MN, Flamm J, Dilley JW, Davy-Mendez T, Sterling SA, Silverberg MJ

HIV Viral Suppression Among Psychiatric Inpatients with Schizophrenia in San Francisco: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved

Riano NS, Wesson P, Vittinghoff E, Cournos F, Dilley J, Mangurian C

Racial, ethnic, and age disparities in the association of mental health symptoms and polysubstance use among persons in HIV care.

PloS one

Davy-Mendez T, Sarovar V, Levine-Hall T, Lea AN, Leibowitz AS, Luu MN, Flamm JA, Hare CB, Dumoit Smith J, Iturralde E, Dilley J, Silverberg MJ, Satre DD

Characteristics and Trends in HIV Testing Among Medicaid Enrollees Diagnosed as Having Schizophrenia.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Walkup J, Thomas MD, Vittinghoff E, Hermida R, Crystal S, Arnold EA, Dahiya P, Olfson M, Cournos F, Dawson L, Dilley J, Bazazi A, Mangurian C

Mental practice for laparoscopic salpingectomy.

Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Zielinski E, Dilley J, Graham N, Bharathan R

AWARENESS: A cognitive behavioral intervention to reduce intersectional minority stress among sexual minority men living with HIV who use substances.

Drug and alcohol dependence reports

Flentje A, Sunder G, Dilley JW, Neilands TB, Lisha NE, Katuzny KE, Carrico AW

Lessons Learned From a New Reverse-Integration Model to Improve Primary Care Screening in Community Mental Health Settings.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Mangurian C, Thomas MD, Mitsuishi F, Goldman LE, Niu G, Handley MA, Riano NS, Hwong A, Essock S, Dilley J, Newcomer JW, Schillinger D

Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on training and mental well-being of surgical gynecological oncology trainees.

International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society

Gaba F, Blyuss O, Rodriguez I, Dilley J, Wan YL, Saiz A, Razumova Z, Zalewski K, Nikolova T, Selcuk I, Bizzarri N, Theofanakis C, Lanner M, Pletnev A, Gurumurthy M, Manchanda R

The case for prescribing PrEP in community mental health settings.

The lancet. HIV

Sudler A, Cournos F, Arnold E, Koester K, Riano NS, Dilley J, Liu A, Mangurian C

Personalized Cognitive Counseling Reduces Drinking Expectancy Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

AIDS and behavior

Passaro RC, Chávez-Gomez S, Castañeda-Huaripata A, Gonzales-Saavedra W, Beymer MR, Segura ER, Nanclares F, Dilley J, Cabello R, Clark JL

Patterns of Prescribing Antiretroviral Therapy Upon Discharge to Psychiatry Inpatients With HIV/AIDS at a Large Urban Hospital.

The Annals of pharmacotherapy

Momenzadeh A, Shumway M, Dong BJ, Dilley J, Nye J, Mangurian C

Sexual Partnership-Level Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru.

Archives of sexual behavior

Passaro RC, Segura ER, Gonzales-Saavedra W, Lake JE, Perez-Brumer A, Shoptaw S, Dilley J, Cabello R, Clark JL

Building Skills and Creating Change in the Healthcare System Through Public Psychiatry Fellowship Capstone Projects.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Elser A, Thomas M, Tolou-Shams M, Peterson A, Seal J, Dilley J, Mangurian C

Recovery-Oriented Outcomes Associated with Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in an Urban Safety-Net Population.

Community mental health journal

Yoshimatsu K, Elser A, Thomas M, Dilley J, Barnes D, Ballinger A, Wozniak S, Mangurian C

Opinions of Primary Care Clinicians and Psychiatrists on Monitoring the Metabolic Effects of Antipsychotics.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Mangurian C, Giwa A, Brosey E, Shumway M, Dilley J, Fuentes-Afflick E, Pérez-Stable EJ, Schillinger D

A Doctor is in the House: Stakeholder Focus Groups About Expanded Scope of Practice of Community Psychiatrists.

Community mental health journal

Mangurian C, Modlin C, Williams L, Essock S, Riano NS, Shumway M, Newcomer JW, Dilley JW, Schillinger D

Utilization of the Behavior Change Wheel framework to develop a model to improve cardiometabolic screening for people with severe mental illness.

Implementation science : IS

Mangurian C, Niu GC, Schillinger D, Newcomer JW, Dilley J, Handley MA

Increasing HIV Testing in Inpatient Psychiatry.


Shumway M, Mangurian C, Carraher N, Momenzadeh A, Leary M, Lee EK, Dilley JW

Low Rates of HIV Testing Among Adults With Severe Mental Illness Receiving Care in Community Mental Health Settings.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Mangurian C, Cournos F, Schillinger D, Vittinghoff E, Creasman JM, Lee B, Knapp P, Fuentes-Afflick E, Dilley JW

Mental and Physical Health among Homeless Sexual and Gender Minorities in a Major Urban US City.

Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine

Flentje A, Leon A, Carrico A, Zheng D, Dilley J

Does substance use compromise depression treatment in persons with HIV? Findings from a randomized controlled trial.

AIDS care

Grelotti DJ, Hammer GP, Dilley JW, Karasic DH, Sorensen JL, Bangsberg DR, Tsai AC

Sexual orientation and treatment-seeking for depression in a multilingual worldwide sample.

Journal of affective disorders

Rutter TM, Flentje A, Dilley JW, Barakat S, Liu NH, Gross MS, Muñoz RF, Leykin Y

Adapted personalized cognitive counseling for episodic substance-using men who have sex with men: a randomized controlled trial.

AIDS and behavior

Coffin PO, Santos GM, Colfax G, Das M, Matheson T, DeMicco E, Dilley J, Vittinghoff E, Raiford JL, Carry M, Herbst JH

A roadmap for adapting an evidence-based HIV prevention intervention: personal cognitive counseling (PCC) for episodic substance-using men who have sex with men.

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research

Knight KR, Das M, DeMicco E, Raiford JL, Matheson T, Shook A, Antunez E, Santos GM, Dadasovich R, Dilley JW, Colfax GN, Herbst JH

The Systems SOAP Note: A Systems Learning Tool.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Mitsuishi F, Young JQ, Leary M, Dilley J, Mangurian C

Mental health services research training for the next generation of leaders in the public health sector: a case study of the UCSF/SFGH Public Psychiatry Fellowship.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Mangurian C, Shumway M, Dilley J

Substance use and drinking outcomes in Personalized Cognitive Counseling randomized trial for episodic substance-using men who have sex with men.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Santos GM, Coffin PO, Vittinghoff E, DeMicco E, Das M, Matheson T, Raiford JL, Carry M, Colfax G, Herbst JH, Dilley JW

Descriptive analysis of a novel health care approach: reverse colocation-primary care in a community mental health "home".

The primary care companion for CNS disorders

Shackelford JR, Sirna M, Mangurian C, Dilley JW, Shumway M

Does effective depression treatment alone reduce secondary HIV transmission risk? Equivocal findings from a randomized controlled trial.

AIDS and behavior

Tsai AC, Mimiaga MJ, Dilley JW, Hammer GP, Karasic DH, Charlebois ED, Sorensen JL, Safren SA, Bangsberg DR

Dose-response associations between number and frequency of substance use and high-risk sexual behaviors among HIV-negative substance-using men who have sex with men (SUMSM) in San Francisco.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Santos GM, Coffin PO, Das M, Matheson T, DeMicco E, Raiford JL, Vittinghoff E, Dilley JW, Colfax G, Herbst JH

Pop-up treatment plans for the urban psychiatric emergency room.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Cheng JE, Dilley JW, Mangurian CV

Primary care providers' views on metabolic monitoring of outpatients taking antipsychotic medication.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Mangurian C, Giwa F, Shumway M, Fuentes-Afflick E, Pérez-Stable EJ, Dilley JW, Schillinger D

A randomized clinical trial of smoking cessation treatments provided in HIV clinical care settings.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Humfleet GL, Hall SM, Delucchi KL, Dilley JW

Directly observed antidepressant medication treatment and HIV outcomes among homeless and marginally housed HIV-positive adults: a randomized controlled trial.

American journal of public health

Tsai AC, Karasic DH, Hammer GP, Charlebois ED, Ragland K, Moss AR, Sorensen JL, Dilley JW, Bangsberg DR

A randomized control trial of personalized cognitive counseling to reduce sexual risk among HIV-infected men who have sex with men.

AIDS care

Schwarcz SK, Chen YH, Murphy JL, Paul JP, Skinta MD, Scheer S, Vittinghoff E, Dilley JW

Impact of capacity reductions in acute public-sector inpatient psychiatric services.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Shumway M, Alvidrez J, Leary M, Sherwood D, Woodard E, Lee EK, Hall H, Catalano RA, Dilley JW

Thoughts, attitudes, and feelings of HIV-positive MSM associated with high transmission-risk sex.

Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education

Skinta MD, Murphy JL, Paul JP, Schwarcz SK, Dilley JW

Factors affecting psychiatric inpatient hospitalization from a psychiatric emergency service.

General hospital psychiatry

Unick GJ, Kessell E, Woodard EK, Leary M, Dilley JW, Shumway M

Do people who develop AIDS within 12 months of HIV diagnosis delay HIV testing?

Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)

Schwarcz SK, Hsu L, Chin CS, Richards TA, Frank H, Wenzel C, Dilley J

Identifying barriers to HIV testing: personal and contextual factors associated with late HIV testing.

AIDS care

Schwarcz S, Richards TA, Frank H, Wenzel C, Hsu LC, Chin CS, Murphy J, Dilley J

HIV exceptionalism as a prescription for health care reform.

Focus (San Francisco, Calif.)

Marks R, Dilley JW

Recent HIV-1 infection detection: comparison of incidence estimates derived by laboratory assays and repeat testing data.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Truong HM, Kellogg T, Louie B, Klausner J, Dilley J, McFarland W

Characteristics of HIV-positive cigarette smokers: a sample of smokers facing multiple challenges.

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

Humfleet GL, Delucchi K, Kelley K, Hall SM, Dilley J, Harrison G

HIV is hyperendemic among men who have sex with men in San Francisco: 10-year trends in HIV incidence, HIV prevalence, sexually transmitted infections and sexual risk behaviour.

Sexually transmitted infections

Scheer S, Kellogg T, Klausner JD, Schwarcz S, Colfax G, Bernstein K, Louie B, Dilley JW, Hecht J, Truong HM, Katz MH, McFarland W

Effects of time-limited dynamic psychotherapy on distress among HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men.

AIDS patient care and STDs

Pobuda T, Crothers L, Goldblum P, Dilley JW, Koopman C

Sexual compulsiveness and change in unprotected anal intercourse: unexpected results from a randomized controlled HIV counseling intervention study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Dilley JW, Loeb L, Marson K, Chen S, Schwarcz S, Paul J, McFarland W

Brief cognitive counseling with HIV testing to reduce sexual risk among men who have sex with men: results from a randomized controlled trial using paraprofessional counselors.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Dilley JW, Woods WJ, Loeb L, Nelson K, Sheon N, Mullan J, Adler B, Chen S, McFarland W

Increases in sexually transmitted infections and sexual risk behaviour without a concurrent increase in HIV incidence among men who have sex with men in San Francisco: a suggestion of HIV serosorting?

Sexually transmitted infections

Truong HM, Truong HH, Kellogg T, Klausner JD, Katz MH, Dilley J, Knapper K, Chen S, Prabhu R, Grant RM, Louie B, McFarland W

Late diagnosis of HIV infection: trends, prevalence, and characteristics of persons whose HIV diagnosis occurred within 12 months of developing AIDS.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Schwarcz S, Hsu L, Dilley JW, Loeb L, Nelson K, Boyd S

Priapism and quetiapine in an HIV-positive male.

Journal of clinical psychopharmacology

Harrison G, Dilley JW, Loeb L, Nelson K

Priapism and quetiapine: a case report.

Psychopharmacology bulletin

Harrison G, Dilley JW, Loeb L, Nelson K

Amphetamine use is associated with increased HIV incidence among men who have sex with men in San Francisco.

AIDS (London, England)

Buchacz K, McFarland W, Kellogg TA, Loeb L, Holmberg SD, Dilley J, Klausner JD

Comparison of three methods to measure HIV incidence among persons seeking voluntary, anonymous counseling and testing.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Kellogg TA, Loeb L, Dilley J, Adler B, Louie BT, McFarland W

The decline of incident cases of HIV-associated neurological disorders in San Francisco, 1991-2003.

AIDS (London, England)

Dilley JW, Schwarcz S, Loeb L, Hsu L, Nelson K, Scheer S

Persistent HIV incidence among injection drug users in San Francisco during the 1990s: results of five studies.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Kral AH, Page-Shafer K, Edlin BR, Kellogg T, Riley E, Gee L, Moss A, Busch M, Klausner JD, Dilley J, McFarland W

Low incidence and prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among sexually active non-intravenous drug-using adults, San Francisco, 1997-2000.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Hammer GP, Kellogg TA, McFarland WC, Wong E, Louie B, Williams I, Dilley J, Page-Shafer K, Klausner JD

Treating asymptomatic sexually transmitted diseases at anonymous HIV counseling and testing sites.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Dilley JW, Loeb L, Casey S, Adler B, Rinaldi J, Klausner JD

Case management for substance abusers with HIV/AIDS: a randomized clinical trial.

The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse

Sorensen JL, Dilley J, London J, Okin RL, Delucchi KL, Phibbs CS

Risk of HIV infection attributable to oral sex among men who have sex with men and in the population of men who have sex with men.

AIDS (London, England)

Page-Shafer K, Shiboski CH, Osmond DH, Dilley J, McFarland W, Shiboski SC, Klausner JD, Balls J, Greenspan D, Greenspan JS

Continuing increases in sexual risk behavior and sexually transmitted diseases among men who have sex with men: San Francisco, Calif, 1999-2001, USA.

American journal of public health

Chen SY, Gibson S, Katz MH, Klausner JD, Dilley JW, Schwarcz SK, Kellogg TA, McFarland W

Changing sexual behavior among gay male repeat testers for HIV: a randomized, controlled trial of a single-session intervention.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Dilley JW, Woods WJ, Sabatino J, Lihatsh T, Adler B, Casey S, Rinaldi J, Brand R, McFarland W

Impact of highly active antiretroviral treatment on HIV seroincidence among men who have sex with men: San Francisco.

American journal of public health

Katz MH, Schwarcz SK, Kellogg TA, Klausner JD, Dilley JW, Gibson S, McFarland W

Incidence of human immunodeficiency virus among male-to-female transgendered persons in San Francisco.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Kellogg TA, Clements-Nolle K, Dilley J, Katz MH, McFarland W

Partner notification for persons recently infected with HIV: experience in San Francisco.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Schwarcz S, McFarland W, Delgado V, Dilley J, Rinaldi J, Adler B, Withum D

CV706, a prostate cancer-specific adenovirus variant, in combination with radiotherapy produces synergistic antitumor efficacy without increasing toxicity.

Cancer research

Chen Y, DeWeese T, Dilley J, Zhang Y, Li Y, Ramesh N, Lee J, Pennathur-Das R, Radzyminski J, Wypych J, Brignetti D, Scott S, Stephens J, Karpf DB, Henderson DR, Yu DC

Deciding where and how to be tested for HIV: what matters most?

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Skolnik HS, Phillips KA, Binson D, Dilley JW

Antitumor synergy of CV787, a prostate cancer-specific adenovirus, and paclitaxel and docetaxel.

Cancer research

Yu DC, Chen Y, Dilley J, Li Y, Embry M, Zhang H, Nguyen N, Amin P, Oh J, Henderson DR

Causes of death among substance users with HIV disease.

AIDS (London, England)

Sorensen JL, Jacob C, Dilley J, Corey V, Yee N

HIV testing in gay sex clubs.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Woods WJ, Sabatino J, Bauer PL, Adler B, Dilley JW, Binson D

Detection of early HIV infection and estimation of incidence using a sensitive/less-sensitive enzyme immunoassay testing strategy at anonymous counseling and testing sites in San Francisco.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

McFarland W, Busch MP, Kellogg TA, Rawal BD, Satten GA, Katz MH, Dilley J, Janssen RS

Name-based reporting of HIV-positive test results as a deterrent to testing.

American journal of public health

Woods WJ, Dilley JW, Lihatsh T, Sabatino J, Adler B, Rinaldi J

HIV testing after implementation of name-based reporting.


Woods WJ, Binson D, Morin S, Dilley JW

Psychosocial correlates of unprotected anal sex in a cohort of gay men attending an HIV-negative support group.

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

Dilley JW, McFarland W, Sullivan P, Discepola M

Self-reflection as a tool for behavior change.

Focus (San Francisco, Calif.)

Dilley JW

A genetic polymorphism of MAO-B modifies the association of cigarette smoking and Parkinson's disease.


Checkoway H, Franklin GM, Costa-Mallen P, Smith-Weller T, Dilley J, Swanson PD, Costa LG

Estimation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroincidence among repeat anonymous testers in San Francisco.

American journal of epidemiology

McFarland W, Kellogg TA, Dilley J, Katz MH

Are advances in treatment changing views about high-risk sex?

The New England journal of medicine

Dilley JW, Woods WJ, McFarland W

Relationship of beta 2 microglobulin and CD4 counts to neuropsychological performance in HIV-1-infected intravenous drug users.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Boccellari AA, Chambers DB, Dilley JW, Shore MD, Tauber MA, Moss AR, Osmond DH

Case management of substance abusers with HIV disease.

Journal of case management

Schwartz B, Dilley J, Sorensen JL

Immune function and neuropsychological performance in HIV-1-infected homosexual men.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Boccellari AA, Dilley JW, Chambers DB, Yingling CD, Tauber MA, Moss AR, Osmond DH

Relationship of CD4 counts to neurophysiological function in HIV-1--infected homosexual men.

Archives of neurology

Boccellari AA, Dilley JW, Yingling CD, Chambers DB, Tauber MA, Moss AR, Osmond DH

Psychotropic drug prescribing for hospitalized patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

The American journal of medicine

Ochitill H, Dilley J, Kohlwes J

Evaluation of a hospital based substance abuse intervention and referral service for HIV affected patients.

General hospital psychiatry

Guydish J, Temoshok L, Dilley J, Rinaldi J

Psychiatric and ethical issues in the care of patients with AIDS.


Dilley JW, Shelp EE, Batki SL

Routine care and psychosocial support of the patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

The Medical clinics of North America

Abrams DI, Dilley JW, Maxey LM, Volberding PA

Findings in psychiatric consultations with patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

The American journal of psychiatry

Dilley JW, Ochitill HN, Perl M, Volberding PA