Kidney International Reports

SUN-233 The state of CKD care in Canadian primary care: a retrospective analysis of a national database.

Kidney International Reports

M. OSMAN, P.E. Ronksley, N. Tangri, J. Kurzawa, A. Grill, W. James, C. Lindeman, B. Soos, D. Tuot, B. Scott, N. Drummond, A.K. Bello

Prevalence and Demographics of CKD in Canadian Primary Care Practices: A Cross-sectional Study.

Kidney International Reports

Bello AK, Ronksley PE, Tangri N, Kurzawa J, Osman MA, Singer A, Grill A, Nitsch D, Queenan JA, Wick J, Lindeman C, Soos B, Tuot DS, Shojai S, Brimble S, Mangin D, Drummond N

Depressive Symptoms Associate With Race and All-Cause Mortality in Patients With CKD.

Kidney International Reports

Tuot DS, Lin F, Norris K, Gassman J, Smogorzewski M, Ku E

Inflammatory Markers and Risk for Cognitive Decline in Chronic Kidney Disease: The CRIC Study.

Kidney International Reports

Kurella Tamura M, Tam K, Vittinghoff E, Raj D, Sozio SM, Rosas SE, Makos G, Lora C, He J, Go AS, Hsu CY, Yaffe K