Tools for Citywide Focus Clinicians

Welcome! Please find below CRANIUM-specific documents to help improve the medical care received by people with severe mental illnesses served at Citywide Focus. Of note, The information provided through CRANIUM does not represent the opinions of the San Francisco Health Network, UCSF, or SFGH but are provided by CRANIUM for public use. They are not meant to replace advice and care from a physician or other health care professional. We hope that this information will help you to understand CRANIUM's process and procedures. Except where explicitly stated otherwise, it is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for appropriate professional medical treatment or diagnosis.




CRANIUM Study Resources


Helpline Resources

The Positive Health Access to Services and Treatment (PHAST) Team Number

New Patient Appointment Unit

Nurse Advice Line (for urgent care appointments)

San Francisco Health Network Ambulatory Services






Resources for Patients with Diabetes

Project OpenHand provides meals to seniors and the critically ill. 

EatSF Voucher Program

Diabetic Shoe Form: this is for patients with known DM ICD-9 250-250.91